G. Harder
Mathematisches Institut
der Universität Bonn
Endenicher Alle 60
53115 Bonn
Telephon: 0049(0)228 732841
email: harder@mpim-bonn.mpg.de
Mathematical Interests:
Algebraic Number Theory
Arithmetic Geometry
Automorphic Forms, Shimura Varieties
you find some unpublished manuscripts, most of them are unfinished. In the folder
you find a preliminary version of a book with title
"Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups".
In principle this book will be a third Volume continuing my two Volumes "Lectures on Algebraic Geometry I and II".
(LAG I,II) The material is contained
in the files chap2.pdf-chap6.pdf. I start with Chapter 2 because I refer to the chapters 1-4 in LAG I, which could serve as chapter 1 of this third volume. The file chap2.pdf gives some more elementary introduction
to the subject, in chap3.pdf I give a systematic introduction to the subject.
Since it aims at applications to number theory it
I treat the beginning of the theory of Shimura varieties, the
topological trace formula in the following chapters. The file sl2neuj.pdf covers some material
on representation theory of Sl(2,R) and Sl(2,C). It is referred to from chap3 and it is in German.
In the folder
you find some manuscripts (MixMot-2013.pdf and SecOPs.pdf) on
mixed motives in Shimura varieties. I plan to write a continuation of my
book "Eisenstein Kohomologie und die Konstruktion Gemischte Motive". This is the beginning.
This is an updated version of my home-page, the first version was written by my students
in 1999. A left some remainders of this original page.
zur Missionierung hartnäckiger Selberzähler...
Geschrieben von der Interessengemeinschaft
Diplom 1999. Zuletzt geändert am 16.4.2013